about me...
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...and this site...
Hi... My name is Laura Carleton (middle name, Ann; childhood nickname, Laurie; pseudonym, LaLaVox) and I grew up drawing and singing. I also studied drawing and singing (majoring in Painting and Drawing and minoring in Vocal Performance at the University of Southern Mississippi), as well as assorted other things (various dance and theater courses at USM, and Literature and Linguistics at Heidelberg University in Germany). These days I spend most of my time with illustration work (not surprisingly) and, well - singing, in one context or another...
My family resided in parts of Texas and Louisiana along the way, but my brothers and I ended up doing most of our growing up in Mississippi. Nice things about living in Mississippi were the sound of the wind in the trees evenings; wild animals making guest appearances in the back yard; a home-made zoo of cats, dogs, ferrets, gerbils, goldfish, etc...; and Summers spent in the woods catching snakes and frogs for temporary observation (before they were later set free again). My brothers and I did end up "running away from home" eventually though. I "ran away" to different parts of Germany until finally finding my way to Berlin (which is where I am now and where I intend to stay for a while). And my brothers, Bruce (Robert Bruce) and Daniel (Charles Daniel), ran away to Hawaii for a while. Daniel has recently returned to Mississippi however, and now lives only a few cities away from where my parents still reside. And Bruce has even more recently moved his seat of operations to California.
This website was originally a Christmas present, presented to me back in December of 2001 by my buddy, Mike Jackson (who "ran away" from Mississippi to New Orleans LA, then to L.A. CA, then back to Mississippi again as well). -- Nice one, huh? Thanks Mike... Now he and Achim Treu help me to maintain it.
This web site has changed gradually over the past several years, and has grown to such proportions in the meantime that Herr Tonbandmeister Treu has begun calling it everything from a maze to a portal (just check out the links section ;-) ...It's in need of an update though...). It was originally meant as a place to present my illustration portfolio (my storyboards and Doodles and such), but it's become a bit of a portfolio-plus-rumpus-room I'm afraid. Oh well... the more the merrier... ;-)
Greetings to you all and happy surfing...
Aloha from Berlin
- L.
P.S. If you'd like to email me concerning anything you might see here, you can do so at the following address:
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