The LaLaVox Quick Links Page
Hello. My name is Laura Carleton (aka LaLaVox) and I am an American illustrator and singer living and working in Berlin, Germany (- ich spreche fliessend Deutsch, uebrigens). I have been noticing recently that Google is no longer doing a useful image search for my website. I've asked around, and have tried things like alt text and such in my HTML code, but so far the image search for my site has still not improved.
If I type in "lalavox" or "lalavoxbox" for instance (just as the most specific tests I can think to try), only 3 or 4 useful images come up. The rest of the result pages are filled with images of people and things that have next to nothing to do with me directly. Mostly these are images that have appeared on the same MySpace page or other where I also left a comment at some point. This is not at all useful for me as an illustrator. There are images galore in my illustration galleries, but none of these are appearing in the Google image searches (Things aren't looking much rosier at Alta Vista and Yahoo at the moment either).
Since I've been told that the problem may be that my site uses frames, and since I'm not ready yet to take on the gargantuan task of redesigning my entire website (websites actually; this also applies to my Mildred Loves You website), I've decided to put together this simple Quick Links page instead. There are no frames here, and I've added some images relevant to my work which I hope may, at some point, finally begin appearing in various images searches. If they don't I will have to begin wondering if there isn't something else I'm doing wrong to cause the images searches to ignore the majority of images on my site so mercilessly.
Another reason for a Quick Links Page is that I've also got all sorts of other things going on online as well (MySpace, YouTube, CafePress, DaWanda), and this page collects them all in one handy location. All the best to all of you out there in teh intarweb! Cheers, and happy linkage, L.C. (aka LLV) (Thursday, April 24th, 2008)
The Start Page at
Fashion Illustration at (Illustration Only site version)
The Doodle Gallery (complete site version)
Laura Carleton Storyboard Illustration (complete site version)
I work as a freelance illustrator and have experience in character-design, clean-up for classical animation, illustration for children's magazines, and layout illustration. The bulk of my work in the past couple of years however, has been storyboard illustration for commercials and music videos. Most of the things included in my stroyboard portfolio are examples from black-and-white shooting-boards done for film-production companies. I have, however, also included 2 full-color presentation-boards that were done for advertising agencies, plus a couple of examples of non-storyboard work related to the projects boarded.
For those of you who don't already know, Mildred is a comic character (created by LaLaVox) from the colorful and ever-growing Mildred Loves You! mini-universe. She's a burlesque-dancing American ex-pat living in Berlin wih her burlesque-dancing roommates Kitty Derail and Therese-Constance van Ticklinckx.
LaLaVox at YouTube
LaLaVox at MySpace
Sea of Tranquility at MySpace
Once upon a time (in 1995) Sea of Tranquility released a 15 track album called LANDED on an independent German label called Weisser Herbst. During the following year a flurry of remixing and continued song-writing began. In 1996 we were courted by various major labels and things were looking quite promising. You'll excuse us for not going into the details of why it didn't work out, but let it simply be said that it was a long and stupid journey through the wrong-ness of major label politics. In the end we threw up our hands in disgust, gave up on Sea of Tranquility, and turned our attentions to other projects. Today, 12 years later, we find ourselves able to look back without anger, and have recently enjoying rediscovering of how heady and provocative our musical vision had actually been. It was fun to throw open the archives and sift through the full-to-the-brim CD-R's of blinking and squinting remixes, test tracks, song sketches, and cover versions. We can't help thinking that these efforts are worth renewed attention, and so we've set up this MySpace page to expose a couple of these lost tracks to the light of day. ...And to allow ourselves to be a bit sentimental about the tracks that were released 12 years ago as well.... ;-) Who knows - maybe the lost tracks can finally find a home somewhere someday after all...
* Sea Of Tranquility members: Achim Treu, Laura Carleton (aka LaLaVox) *
The Space Songs at MySpace
It was during the late 1950's, when a series of odd educational records for children was released by an obscure record label in New York City. Various themes - such as "Nature", "Energy & Motion", "Weather", etc. - were presented to the sounds of whacky folk and country tunes. Among these records was one we particularly enjoyed: "SPACE SONGS". This recording would certainly have been long forgotten, were it not for the fact that it apparently influenced an entire generation of future scientists. The idea of reworking the album suddenly seemed irresistible, and we gleefully began fashioning them into an assortment of pop tunes which we hope may once again inspire a generation of children (and maybe even their pop-fan moms and dads).
* The Space Song members: Chloe Leloup, Achim Treu, Miss LaLaVox *
Mildred Loves You at MySpace
My name is Mildred and I'm a burlesque dancer comic book character. Not too surprisingly perhaps, my roommates, Kitty Derail and Therese-Constance van Ticklinckx are burlesque-dancing comic book characters as well. There are Mildred T-shirts and such to be had at LaLaVox's CafePress shop (The LaLaVox Shoppe) for anyone who might be interested in such things, and handmade items available at our Mildred Loves You DaWanda shop.
The LaLaVox Shoppe at CafePress
Welcome to The LaLaVox Shoppe! I hope you'll have fun browsing the creatures and characters you'll find here. And if you should happen to see a design that you especially like (here, or at one of my websites - +, but don't find it available on the particular product you're simply longing to have, just send me an email. I take requests. :) This is CafePress after all. ;)
Cheers! - LaLaVox
LaLaVox YouTube play-list: Art Stuff + Critters
LaLaVox YouTube play-list: Songs Sung - (1. Originals + Oddities)
LaLaVox YouTube play-list: Songs Sung - (2. Kate Bush Covers)
LaLaVox YouTube play-list: Songs Sung - (3. Joni Mitchell Covers)
LaLaVox YouTube play-list: Songs Sung - (4. Mixed Covers)
bckgrnd pattern by
Squid Fingers