Moritz R® profile
Moritz "R" was born as Moritz Reichelt in 1955 in Halle/Saale, East-Germany, but grew up in Celle, West-Germany. He debuts in the world
of art in 1968, when he is 12 years old. The first ever public showing
of one of his works happens to take place on the "Documenta IV".
The reknown international art show in Kassel selects his painting
of a steam-locomotive for the children's painting section. In 1972 he gets his first exhibition in his former school, where he has been kicked out only 2 years earlier for rebellious and antiauthoritarian behaviours. The family moves to Munich, where Moritz visits an art-school for two years. He returns to Duesseldorf in 1977 just in time to encounter a new cultural phenomenon: punk. For more than a year he and two friends run a Punk/New Wave art gallery in Wuppertal, a suburb of Duesseldorf. The "Galerie Art Attack" becomes a melting point for a new art scene, where painters, musicians and multi-media artists mix the cultural cocktail for the next decade. In those days Moritz Reichelt starts his musical ambitions: Out of a few minor music projects the band Der Plan evolves in 1979 and gains international reputation within the next years. Although painting is Moritz R's first and foremost profession, he would be known worldwide for the band. What followed were creative years of acting out both the life of a painter and the life of a musician. After the foundation of the independent label Ata Tak in Duesseldorf in 1980, producing music and designing record covers becomes another field of activity for him. A long-term collaboration between him and German pop musician Andreas Dorau starts, when Dorau's song "Fred vom Jupiter" becomes a top ten charts hit in Germany. Besides painting, making music and designing record covers, Moritz R did set designs for several films and TV productions. For more than 6 years he is doing illustrations for the German magazine "Tempo" under the pseudonym of Marie-Claire de St.Rocaille. In 1984 Moritz Reichelt moves to Hamburg, the harbour-town in Northern Germany. Although he stays there for 10 years all that remains left is an unappeasable desire for a warm climate in sunny Southern regions. Consequently he moves to Munich, Bavaria, the most Southern big German city. In 1993 after the temporary end of Der Plan Moritz Reichelt writes his first book, a history of the band and the punk years in Duesseldorf. In 1998 the second book, "Popkatalog", is published, featuring 235 images of his best artworks. The books can be ordered in the bookshop of this museum. Since 1992 Moritz R has become a pioneer in yet another field of pop culture, the exotic art of "Tiki". He was the first painter of this international revival of an American life-style of the 50s. One highlight of this phase of his is the decoration of the Tabou Tiki Room cocktail bar in Berlin. At the end of the year 2002 Moritz R takes the opportunity and moves to Germany's new developing capital, where he is living happily since. After 11 years in oblivion he reforms his old band Der Plan and plays on several international music festivals. In 2006 his son Franz is born. Since 2006 Moritz Reichelt works as programmer and architect in "Second Life", designing the virtual platform of Universal Records. From the view angle that only future allows his entire work must be seen as an anticipation of the Virtual Worlds. And will probably not end here.
AUF DEUTSCH Moritz Reichelt, Künstlername Moritz R®, Jahrgang 1955 als Sohn eines abstrakten Malers und einer Balletttänzerin in Halle geboren – Familie flieht kurz darauf in den Westen. Mit 12 Jahren auf der „Dokumenta IV“ vertreten, wodurch die Möglichkeit, den Beruf des Künstlers zu ergreifen, früh zur Option wurde. Ab 1975 erste Arbeiten, Einzelausstellungen und Ausstellungsbeteiligungen, u.a. „Treibhaus“ in Düsseldorf 1981, „Ecole Normale“ in Köln und div. mit „Gruppe Normal“ assoziierte Aktionen. Parallel Gründung der New Wave Galerie „Art Attack“ 1978 in Wuppertal, Gründung des Schallplattenlabels „Ata Tak“ 1980 in Düsseldorf und erste Veröffentlichungen und internationale Auftritte mit der Elektronik-NDW-Vorläuferband „Der Plan“. Nach 1982 Abkehr vom Konzept der Neuen Wilden, die ihm zu sehr den Formalismen der klassischen Moderne verhaftet erschienen. Stattdessen Bühnenbilder, Filmausstattungen und jahrelang Illustrator bei TEMPO. Nach vorübergehender Auflösung von „Der Plan“ Buchautor einer Band-Autobiographie mit Rückblick auf die Düsseldorfer 80er Jahre. Auch vertreten bei den grossen Retrospektiven „Verschwende Deine Jugend“, „Zurück zum Beton“ und „Pop am Rhein“. In den 90er Jahren erfolgt eine Hinwendung der Malerei von den plakativen kritisch-ironischen Motiven zu exotischer Kunst: „Tiki“. Hierbei starke Tendenz zum Gesamtkunstwerk, etwa 1996 bei der Gestaltung der Cocktailbars „Egon Bar“in München, „Cacao Bar“ in Los Angeles, sowie „Tabou Tiki Room“ 2005 in Berlin. Seit 2006 arbeitet Moritz Reichelt als Programmierer und Architekt in „Second Life“, wie eben aus dem Blickwinkel, den nur die Zukunft erlaubt, sein Werk insgesamt als Wegbereitung von Virtuellen Welten gesehen werden muss. Und auch hier vermutlich nicht endet. |
A list of exhibitions, music projects and other acticities:
1978.......Galerie Art Attack, Wuppertal 1982.......Galerie Eva Keppel, Duesseldorf 1984.......Wave Records, Tokyo. 1984.......Galerie Eva Keppel, Duesseldorf 1985.......Tatgalerie, Wien 1986.......Galerie Eisenbahnstrasse, Berlin. 1986.......Planet-Galerie, Duesseldorf 1987......."Pablo kann bleiben", Planet-Galerie 1990.......Galerie Martin Schmitz, Kassel. 1990.......La Luz de Jesus-Gallery, Los Angeles. 1990.......Station Rose, Wien 1991.......Galerie Martin Schmitz 1995.......Kunstraum Karolinenstrasse, Hamburg 1996......."Enchanted Tiki Room", Egon Bar, Muenchen 1996......."Via Exotica Nova", Cacao Bar, Los Angeles 1999......."Singles, 10" & LPs", Virus, Munich 1999......."Singles, 10" & LPs", Freie Kunstakademie, Nuertingen 2000.......Retrospective - the Jochen Hülder Collection, Malkasten, Düsseldorf 2000......."Musikbilder", Galerie 88, Hamburg 2002......."Aufstieg und Fall des 21. Jahrhunderts", Maou Maou Galerie, Berlin - gemeinsame Ausstellung mit Jim Avignon 2002......."Exotica für Fortgeschrittene", Maou Maou Galerie, Berlin 2006......."Romantiki
vs. Abstraktiki", Tabou Tiki Room Galerie, Berlin
1968......."Documenta", Kassel 1972.......Landesschule zur Pforte, Meinerzhagen 1978.......Galerie Art Attack, Wuppertal. 1978.......Kunstmuseum, Wuppertal 1982......."Treibhaus", Kunstmuseum, Duesseldorf. 1982......."Ecole Normale", Frauenmuseum, Bonn 1984......."Shvantz" festival, Zürich 1986......."Perfo Tijd", Amsterdam. 1986.......Möbel Perdu, Hamburg 1987......."Sex & Tod", Planet-Galerie, Duesseldorf 1988......."Kunstkongress", Hamburg 1990.......Wewatta Gallery, Denver 1991.......Galerie Juliane Schmidt, Köln 1992......."Comic Salon", Cesars Palace, Hamburg 1993......."Comopoly", Cesars Palace, Hamburg. 1993.......Galerie Martin Schmitz, Kassel. 1993......."Malerei 2000", Sprinkenhof, Hamburg 1995......."Ehrlich Billig", Sprinkenhof, Hamburg. 1995.......Art & Carry, Muenchen. 1995.......RENTA-Preis, Kunsthalle Nuernberg 1996......."Tiki Art Exposé", La Luz de Jesus, L.A. 1997......."Die 4. Dimension", Hamburg 2000......."Tiki 2 Night", Auerstedt, Thuringia 2002......."Hukilau", Atlanta 2002......."Zurück zum Beton", Kunsthalle Düsseldorf 2007......."Pop
am Rhein", Stadtmuseum Köln
1978.......Playing guitar in the new wave band "Weltende" .............Foundation of the band "Die Karmann Ghias" .............Foundation of the band "Weltaufstandsplan" .............First concerts in Gelsenkirchen and Hamburg 1979.......Foundation of the band "Der Plan", first Single "Der Plan" 1980-93...Concerts of Der Plan in Hamburg, Berlin, Duesseldorf, Frankfurt, Zuerich, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Wien, Budapest, Stuttgart, Haarlem, Heidelberg, München, Koeln, Bremen, Ostrava, Kosice, Nuernberg and other cities. ................Publication of 7 LPs, 4 Singles, 4 CDs and 17 Videos for Der Plan. ................Participation in several new wave- and Neue Deutsche Welle compilations, ................Several TV-appearances, a.o. in "Dreiklangsdimensionen", "Formel Eins", "Mambo", "Off Beat" 1983-92.......Filmmusic for " Der Plan"," Die letzte Rache" and "Grottenolm" by Rainer Kirberg, "Das Geheimnis der grauen Zellen" and "Vivus Funeratus" by Stefan Stratil and "Der Gehenkte" by Axel Schaeffler 1986.......Foundation of the band Pope, concerts in Berlin and Hamburg 2004.......Refoundation
of the band Der Plan in Berlin with Achim Treu and Joh Jones. Album
" Die Verschwörung"
1979-92.......Stage- and production design for 3 Live-shows, 17 videos and several TV shows of Der Plan 1981-99.......Stage- and production design, matte-paintings for 4 tours and 2 videos of Andreas Dorau, several record covers. (Silver record for "Girls in Love" in France, 1997) 1983.......Scene painting and matte-painting for "Die letzte Rache" by Rainer Kirberg 1984.......Scene painting of "Wir bauen eine Stadt" (Paul Hindemith) by Holger Hiller for "Haus Vaterland" by Horst Koenigstein ................Scene painting for Take Off-Party in Düsseldorf-Airport 1985.......Production Design of "Neues aus..." (ARD) ................Scene painting for Grottenolm by Rainer Kirberg 1986.......Stage design for the band Pope 1987.......Production design for Avant Garde Modenschau, Deutsches Museum, München 1989.......Scene painting for "Monas Plein" by Ineke Smits 1990.......Production design of TV show "Schlag dein Tier" by Andreas Dorau 1993-94.......Production design of TV magazine "CanaleGrande" (Vox) (Grimme-Preis and Goldener Gong) 1997.......Cover for "The Sound of Munich" by the Merricks 1997-2003.......Record covers for Andreas Dorau, Merricks, Sun Ra, Bad Examples, Charles Wilp, Bugge Wesseltoft, Don Tiki, Trimmy, Tiki Tiki Bambooos a.o. 2004.......Release
of "Die Verschwörung" by Der Plan
1978.......Foundation of Galerie Art Attack. Concerts, single- and group exhibitions with a.o. Charlies Girls, Milan Kunc, Muscha, Frank Fenstermacher. Publication of punk fanzines 1979.......Foundation of record company Ata Tak, Co-owner until 1990. ................Publication of several records by diverse artists such as Holger Hiller, Andreas Dorau, Pyrolator, Lost Gringos, Picky Picnic, Monitor a.o. 1980-95.......Illustrations for books and magazines, a.o.: continuously in Tempo (Peter Glaser and Uwe Kopf) 1980-81.......Music journalist and photographer for Überblick and Sounds. Interviews with a.o. Iggy Pop, DAF 1985.......Directing and editing of "JaPlan", a musical trip through Tokyo with Der Plan. ................Directing and editing of "K.u.K. Revisited", a portrait of 3 artists: Vera Body from Hungary, Milan Kunc, Tchechoslovakia and Peter Glaser, Austria 1986.......Political performance "Rede zur Einheit der mitteleuropaeischen Kultur", at "Ars Longa Vita Brevis", Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin 1992-93.......Writing of the book "Der Plan - Glanz und Elend der Neuen Deutschen Welle. Die Geschichte einer deutschen Band", Verlag Martin Schmitz, Berlin 1998.......Writing of the book "Popkatalog Vol.1 - Postpsychedelische Malerei", Verlag Werner Pieper, Weinheim 2001......."Ritual Of The Savage" - Tiki-Party, Atomic Café, München 2004.......Video "Copyright Slavery" for Der Plan. Runs in "Fast Forward" (VIVA), "Kulturzeit" (3Sat), Werkleitz Festival, Halle... 2006-2008.......Art
Director, architect and programmer of virtual platform of Universal
Music in Second Life.
1982.......Catalogue "Treibhaus", Düsseldorf Kunstforum, Anneli Pohlen about "Treibhaus" and record covers by Moritz R® 1984.......RoRoRo Rock Lexikon about Der Plan 1986.......Catalogue "Ars Longa Vita Brevis", Hrsg. Ernst Mitzka, Ute Meta Bauer, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin 1993.......Catalogue "Malerei 2000" 1994......."Der Plan", Verlag Martin Schmitz, Kassel 1979 ff.....Several publications about Der Plan in books, magazines and scientific works 1995.......Catalogue RENTA-Preis, Kunsthalle Nürnberg 1996.......Kunstforum Nr.134, Thomas Groetz, Die ART des Verschwindens 1997.......WOM-Journal about musicians who are artists as well 1999.......Juergen Teipel about Moritz R®, NZZ, RP. (See library and bookshop!) 199? .... .Karl Bruckmayer "Soundcheck - Die hundert wichtigsten Platten aller Zeiten" 1999.......Stefan Stratil in "evolver" about "Popkatalog". (See bookshop!) 2000......."Pop 2000", a 12 episode documentary about the history of German pop music 2002......."Verschwende Deine Jugend", Jürgen Teipel, Suhrkamp Verlag 2007......."Pop
am Rhein", Catalogue, Uwe Husslein, Stadtmuseum Cologne